Hi @ShikhaSharma , Additionally, The following files are clientlibs from coralui3 category:/etc.clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/typekit.lc-99e485b469edcc1ceee7279944129230-lc.min.js/etc.clientlibs/clientlibs/granite/jquery.lc-f9e8e8c279baf6a1a278042afe4f395a-lc.min.js/etc.clientlibs/clientlibs/granite...
Hi @nelsonatensemble,No, in the 3rd tab (Dialog) of the Dynamic Participant Step you are able to configure a path to a dialog.Example: /apps/myproject/components/test-wf-dialog/cq:dialogDialog: It will look like:Best regards,Kostiantyn Diachenko.
Hi @nelsonatensemble, Replace Dialog Participant Step with Dynamic Participant Step with Participant Chooser: Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser (Script). It will automatically assign workflow to the initiator. Best regards,Kostiantyn Diachenko.
Hi @saravanan_ms ,The error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sun.xml.internal.ws.spi.ProviderImpl indicates that the required JAX-WS implementation is not accessible to the AEM classloader. This happens because the Java runtime in AEM is modularized, and dependencies need to be explicitly manag...
Hi @Preston, Recently I successfully removed OOTB index customization just by removing it from the project. I removed index definition from /apps/_oak_index/.content.xml and removed filter from META-INF/vault/filter.xml.Official documentation says:A customized index may be removed in a later version...
Hi @srinivas_chann1 and @arunpatidar ,Recently I tried to solve the same problem with autocomplete dialog component. I was looking for "contains" mode for an autocomplete suggestions search. After some investigation I found that we can provide mode property via granite:data attributes and it will be...
Hi @ShaheenaSk,I just tried to play with the following configuration: com.day.cq.wcm.msm.impl.actions.ContentDeleteActionFactory.I added help to the cq.wcm.msm.action.excludedparagraphitems property and it stopped to be removed on rollout.I tested the following scenario - rollout master page without...
Hi @Shaheena_Sheikh,Could you please provide an example of content structure that you are going to exclude from updating.Best regards,Kostiantyn Diachenko.
Hi, I see that 2.2.2 version of Core Components is not compatible with AEM 6.5: https://github.com/adobe/aem-core-wcm-components/blob/main/VERSIONS.md Could you please try to install latest compatible version on Core Components and test with it? I tried to put image in the same location for page cr...
Okay, this image resource is not a part of structure. What core components version do you use? How do you use your Sling model or is it Core Component Model? What is the path to image resource?