Hi arunpatidar, anyway, thank you for your support me! i modify my npm respositry to original npm respositry. it works for me! The taobao npm respositry cause me fail to mvn clean install. Thank you a lot!
@MukeshYadav_Hi MukeshYadav,you are awesome and cool! As a china software engineer, i modified the resposity to registry.npm.taobao.org before. I modified the respositry to https://registry.npmjs.org/ , it works for me! The problem cost me two days to find answer... Thank you very much!
I try to resolve below the two way, they are not work for me. 1. the logs refer to below picture: 2. 3. i download the fixed node and npm, but it donot work too. My local system is window10, not ubuntu.
i had runned this command yesterday, i run it again today, it is the same error below this.cd D:\AEM_PROJECT\aem-guides-wknd\ui.frontend
mvn clean install