It looks like you arent pulling the Business Unit from the Project Level. Your code in the original post is referencing the Business Unit at the TAsk level which you stated does not exist. This should get you what you're looking for:group.0.linkedname=project
This seems pretty straightforward to do in the application. You can add "Sections" to the custom form and each section can have it's own settings that dictate what fields users can view and which fields users can edit. More info can be found here: Organize and Preview a Form | Adobe Workfront
here's an article that explains the difference between the syntax and when to use what:
Hi, for custom expressions you need to use a period instead of a colon. You also have to introduce the brackets.The calculation should read:CONCAT({owner}.{name})
Here's the Workfront documentation snippet detailing all the different functions in Workfront:
You can use the WEEKDAYDIFF function in place of the DATEDIFF function to the count of weekdays. I'm not sure if it'll take holiday's into account though.
This will get you what you're looking for on a Task view column. displayname=Date Differencelinkedname=directvalueexpression=DATEDIFF(CLEARTIME({plannedCompletionDate}), CLEARTIME({project}.{plannedStartDate}))valueformat=HTML
Creating a project report and not applying any filters will essentially show them everything they have access to. Perhaps the only filter you can apply is one that filters out Complete projects so they're not seeing things that are complete.
Description - We love the new Custom Form Enhancement that gives our users the ability to collapse sections they are not interested in. While this feature is awesome we're hoping it can be enhanced further. Please give the Custom Form owners the ability to default certain sections to be collapsed ...
Hi Chuck! Thank you so much for the spreadsheet it is really helpful. I like how everything is laid out in the different overview pages. I'll be incorporating some of these links to our onboarding docs.