Hi @iamnjain ,Yes, its exactly correct.Yes, I too executed this process on my local instance and dev instance and I was able to achieve it successfully.But its not working as expected on PROD-instance. Thanks,Shreyas.
Hi,There is a scenario where we need to hide a particular tab from the header component. So, I just selected the tab and clicked on "hide in navigation" check box under properties and also cleared the cache for a particular page. But still that tab is visible.Any inputs on this... Thanks,Shreyas.
Hi @MukeshYadav_ I didn't get where do we need to add that piece of code. I tried finding it. But didn't get. Can you please help me on this. Thanks,shreyas.
So in one of the scenario we are having an image/video and download option for it. So whenever we click on that download button/logo the image gets downloaded. We checked this thing on Local author and local publish instance and it worked as expected. But on DEV, STAGE and PROD it worked only on aut...
We are not creating adobe sign on prod instance. We are just publishing it from PR node and selecting it as cloud config and checking for it. We are not receiving any logs as well. Still looking into it. Thanks!