Hi,Our DEV author env is having issues after the installation of the last SP.Sites is blank, same as editor.We get the following logs :"02.12.2024 13:56:11.821 *ERROR* [ [1733144171491] GET /sites.html/content HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncau...
Hi,I accidentaly deleted two workflow models from a lower environment.Since I have them on an upper environment, I'm looking to copy the workflow models from it to the lower environment.How can I do it ?I tried already with the package manager by copying this path : "/libs/cq/workflow/admin/console/...
Hi, I have a page with a workflow notifications that keeps being there. When I go to manage workflows, there are no workflows and the workflow history I don't see any too.What could trigger this workflow notification and how to get rid of it ? Thanks !