Hi Team, I have a requirement where I need to redirect old domain URLs to new domain. Old URL patteren: https://live.test.com/%23document%2F1533623%3Fpref%3D20058%2F9%2F5%26crumb%3D104 When user access above link then I need to redirect above old URL to new URL mentioned below New URL: https://prod....
Hi @santhoshm687661 , Basically 204 response from your servlet indicates that you are missing your api endpoint in CORS policy Allowed paths section. Just add your servlet endpoint in Allowed paths section. Thanks,Ramesh
Hi @kautuk_sahni @aanchal-sikka @himanshu , What I found was it's better to go with dam:Asset because if I want to put some custom properties on nt:file, jcr is not allowing to add custom properties on nt:file or nt:resource node . Hence I am switching to dam:Asset. Also we have good no of APIs to...
Hi @aanchal-sikka @himanshu , My requirement is the assets should not be visible to authors and that's the reason I am not storing assets in /content/dam. These assets are always accessed via Java program only. So I am thinking of creating nt.files instead of dam:Asset. Would like to if it increases...
Hi Team, I am programmatically creating pdf , docx and txt files and saving in /content/projectFolder. I need good/fast performance when I want to save these files in AEM programmatically . I am thinking if I create nt:file as jcr:primaryType then it will be faster as compared to dam:Asset(since nt:...
Hi Team Would like know what is the best way of exposing assets under /content/test to the end user other than assets api. I need to provide link of asset to end user via servlet response and when user clicks on the link asset should get download. Thanks.
Hi @devareddy123466 , Here is the solution, delete all/suspected workflow instances in /var path. Then refresh your pages then it will work. I had same issue and after deleting workflow instances pages were loading properly. Thanks,Ramesh.
Hi Team, I have a requirement for my servlets where I need to verify the end user access in AEM user group. If he is part of some xyz AEM group then only I want to allow him/her to access some /content resource. If he is not part of xyz group then I want to to reject the user request saying unauthor...
Hi Team, I am using Aspose.Pdf third party Java library. I declared the dependency as below <dependency><groupId>com.aspose</groupId><artifactId>aspose-pdf</artifactId><version>22.12</version></dependency> Aspose is suggsting to include their own repository in pom.xml. as below <repositories> <r...
Hi Team, I have dependency with a third party maven java library where in order to use that library we need a license. I received license from that third party vendor (thirdPartyLicense.lic). Now how can I include/use this third party library license in my AEM project? @lukasz-m @kautuk_sahni lets...