Hi, What I normally do is once someone is set up in Workfront, I go to >Users, enter user name > click on users name>Updates - Then @personsname and enter any welcome text needed. This seems to work well.
Description: Allow announcements to be sent to all individuals of a specific layout template or access levelWhy this feature is important to you (and others using Workfront): This would allow for easier and streamlined communication when a layout template or access level is modified. We recently m...
@Doug_Den_Hoed__AtAppStore - Thank you so much for the quick and clear response. You helped me connect several dots that I didn't know I needed to connect!!!
I have a use case where I need to update approximately 300 individual custom fields. The reason for the update is that we reference a team name to identify the team that created and is using the custom field. The team name has changed and needs to be updated We are active fusion users and these fiel...
A project should be able to reference a previously existing Request Queue to use as its own structure for requests made within the project. Currently, each project has its own Queue Details, Queue Topics, and Routing Rules. A project that already exists should be able to lean on the Queues that alre...
Currently, you can only choose to color code the items in the Workload Balancer based on the project status, but it would be helpful to visualize the Tasks by their individual statuses.
Description - When converting a request to a task or project, the user would see the documents section that is typically available to the requester during form submission. This would allow the user to quickly drag and drop any additional files that were not uploaded when the Request was first submit...
The Workload Balancer is really the only part of the Resource Manager that our teams use. The other features have not proven to work for us. The Scenario Planner (which seems unfinished) needs more of a connection between its features and the Workload Balancer. Combining the two would unify the plan...
There seems to be a one-way interaction between the tasks in a project and the cards that represent tasks in Boards. The primary issue is that there does not seem to be a way to add cards to a board and have them show up back in projects. Having a hybrid way of managing tasks would be extremely bene...