I added the dependencies on pom.xml of core (as I have my servlets inside core)<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jsoup/jsoup --><dependency><groupId>org.jsoup</groupId><artifactId>jsoup</artifactId><version>1.14.3</version></dependency>and ran below command on the path \.m2\repo1\m3-3.5.4\...
Thankyou @sherinregi for your response.But as per the above solution, we are going to make modifications to each and every component itself, and this cannot be considered a global solution, am I correct?
Annotation tool is not showing up for components other than parsys in the page.Observations:The components have cq:action property in cq:editConfig node under them, which donot contain 'editannotate' property value. Adding 'editannotate' value to each components solves the problem.But instead of mak...