Sling Mapping will work even if Rewriting is disabled in Transformer which is why ur short url is working when u hit in browser, but updating content full urls to short urls will not work in html source. For other project its working, reason might be they have a custom rewriter written in other proj...
Yes Link Checker Transformer is needed to shorten your full pathfield links in html dom. But when you hit a short url urself it will work from domain by sling mapping.
Hi,You can create a OSGI Config and include in ur codebase./apps/my-project/config/ ur custom paths under servletresolver.paths
Hi,You can check in system console config, for Apache Sling Resource Resolver Factory. Edit that config and see if Mapping Location is set to /etc/map or something else. If its not, point to /etc/map, then after few seconds it should work.
Looks like your using old foundation jsp video component. Which is not working as expected. Try to use a custom component and use below code.<video width="400" controls> <source src="/content/dam/video/test.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video>I activated video,...
You can increase the statfileslevel to deep level. Then only that page alone will be flushed. And write some custom code(EventListener) to flush the listing page.