Thanks for your response.Can you please write up the sequence of steps.
1. How the third party will call post servlet in case of both resource and path based.
2. Do they need to pass any credentials while calling the servlet, if yes then how.
Thanks for your response.
If third party will try to access the servlet from code, then do they need to pass credentials along with post request to access this servlet.
Thanks Jorg for your response.
If we set the on the node /content/functions/myfunction the property "resourceType" to "myapp/servlets/myservlet then if anyone will try to access the page inside location /content/functions/myfunction then this servlet will not invoked ?
I mean one way we will invoke...
User can pass the input data in the forms of JSON to the post servlet and hit and based upon the changes will be applied to Node/properties level. I am trying to understand if resource type servlet can be utilized here.
Can you please elaborate with example, you mean we need to expose one dedicated user to the actual users who all can hit the servlet and same they can send as request parameter and can be validated at backend login as soon there is request.
Thanks for your response.
How we can ensure that unauthorized users are not hitting or entertained for the POST servlet with passing some raw input data. this is kind of Rest and anyone can try to hit the URL.
I am looking to understand the way to have Token/key based authentication in Post sling servlet to secure the service. what are ways we can include to enhance the security of servlet.
Exploring the ways to access the node properties and update them as as independent solution like Rest or Web API which can be consumed/utilized by any third party system based upon requirement.