PLEASE Workfront... get rid of this silly "last xyz" verbiage on comments now. It would be such an easy fix to just put in the date/time stamp of the comment/update. I got yet another user complaint about this. It is so confusing to folks. Especially bad if you have to copy/paste a comment somew...
I agree. Constantly manually adjusting the column widths one by one is infuriating. The column size set widths don't always make sense (and often do not work) when screen sizes are different. I am continually flipping from my 13" laptop screen to an extra-large external monitor. It would be love...
Showing the job role for free/reviewers is not helpful at all. We bucket all of the marketing folks into 3 groups based on the approval levels...which doesn't have much to do with their title. It will actually cause an issue if this is seen outside of our internal group. If we must show something...
Agree! Or the ability to remove the "Submitted" screen from the layout template and use a custom report. We rather the user see their requests, requests where they are the primary contact and requests in which someone on their team requested.
I completely agree @Doug Den Hoed‚ . I would prefer to get a save or cancel button instead of disappearing. I have lost a bunch of info and have had to start over again. Super frustrating.
Can this idea please be moved out of "archived"? We still need users to see if "only one decision required" is selected or not for a proof. Only admins/planners can see in a proof's settings if only 1 decision is required. But we need the approval teams to know as well since sometimes only 1 appr...
Workfront Moderator, can you combine this idea with:Reference Numbers for Portfolios and Programs.
We really need the shorter reference ID on the program level as well, similar to Projects. We use the team's acronym plus the reference ID for our naming at the beginning of each project name. We need to do this on the program level as well.