We definitely need this. Specifically we would mostly use a date filter to show all reports on the dashboard based on what quarter or date range is selected
Yes, we need this ability as well. The number one request to restore something is when they delete tasks that already have hours on them. Better yet.. people shouldn't be able to delete a task without confirmation if it has hours logged to it.
Yes, we absolutely need this functionality. We have the same scenario. When we ask someone to approve a document, we need them to be able to upload a new version as well. It's a hassle to have to go into sharing every time and give them manage access instead of view.
This would be great for our press release approval process, which is 100% Word Documents. It would be nice if the edits can be made right in Workfront, similar to how edits via box.com, or google docs works.
We need the ability to attach a custom form to a billing record.
Use case: some of our projects have multiple billing records. On a single project, one billing record might be billed to department #12345. The 2nd billing record will be billed to department #67890. When sending the exported excel fi...