Hello @KacharlaBa You can refer to Designer Quickstart doc [0] to learn the AEM Designer.You may also refer to URL [1] for more samples and scripting basics. Thanks,Rahul Pandey [0] https://www.adobe.com/go/learn_aemforms_designer_quick_start_65[1] https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experie...
Hello @wizard04wsu Please try bringing up all the bundles and if the issue is not resolved after installing the AEM Forms addon and restarting the server, you can recompile the JSPs which should help resolving the issue. Thanks,Rahul Pandey
Hello @Shubham_borole You can check out below doc which covers the output service in AEM Forms as a Cloud Service. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-learn/cloud-service/forms/forms-cs-output-and-forms-service/outputservice Thanks,Rahul Pandey
Hello @Vijay_Katoch This could be a UI glitch.Try clicking on the empty space after "literal value" Also, have you tried with any other Workbench versions?For me, its coming up on my SP18 Workbench. Thanks,Rahul Pandey
Hello @wizard04wsu Can you please confirm if your REST endpoint is hosted internally in the AEM server or on external server?Can you try directly hitting that REST endpoint through postman with complete url and see if you are getting any response? The error is pointing to "Target host not specified...
Hello Luis, You can make these changes in below path in the crx/de "/content/dam/formsanddocuments/<your form name>/jcr:content/metadata" Let me know if you need any additional help. Thanks,Rahul Pandey
Hello Amreen, Can you please navigate to below path in adminui and check if there are different configuration for embedding fonts in DEV and TESTIn administration console, click Services > output. You can specify which fonts are always embedded or never embedded with the forms used by Output. Embedd...
Hello, Greetings from Adobe Support.Can you please share your AEM Forms version?I remember a issue related to headers and footers was fixed in SP13. Thanks,Rahul PandeyAEM Forms