GET https://author-p*****-e****** HTTP/1.1
When I am hitting this API Assets: curl --location '{aem_host_url}/bin/querybuilder.json?type=dam%3AAsset&path=%2F&path.self=false&p.limit=1000&p.offset=0' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic {basic_auth_credentials}' Getting 500 error code. What might be the issue.
https:/{aem_host_url}/bin/querybuilder.json?fulltext=wps&p.limit=-1&path=/content/prudential/pru-com/us/en-us/personal/life-Insurance-variable-life-insurance&type=cq%3aPage Please help us to what this fulltext=wpsWhat is the use of this parameter. What is the impact of result if not used in the que...
hi @arunpatidar Actually, Same query works with Another AEM instance but not for this particular instance. Also, We can not change the query as it is working with Multiple AEM instances and it will lead to redesign our application.
Hi @sravs Option1: if an index has already been created for query or create a new one, try to reindex that by setting reindex = true.Can you please guide me the steps and path where I can do this setting2. Do we have access to configuration window on AEM Cloud Where I can update the value of Aapche ...
Hi @sravs Thanks for your response. How I can avoid this. Is there any configuration in AEM to avoid this.Can we increases the number of nodes defined.$FulltextPathCursor Index-Traversed 20000 nodes with filter Filter(query=select [jcr:path], [jcr:score], * from [cq:Page] as a /* xpath: //element(*, cq:Page) */, path=*)How to avoid this error.What is wrong happing here while exe...