Hi @arunpatidar @Anish-Sinha https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/assets/extending/mac-api-assets.html?lang=en#move-a-folder-or-assetThis talks about CRUD operation on single asset. How can be have bulk operation?ex: I want to create/delete/update multiple assets using one s...
Hi,Requirement: To move an asset from one folder to another via API calls using postman. But not able to find move option in postman. How can this be achieved? Thanks in advance
I have a multifield which contains a textfield. I want to store a specific value of that textfield has an array of strings. Below is the content structurenameDetails (multifield) ---------item0 -----------Property name--> name and Property Value--> adobe (textfield1) ...
How to split dynamic string value by space in Sightly.Ex: ${item.fullName} gives 'firstname secondname'. I want to split this by space to get 'firstname' and 'secondname'.Please help.Thanks in advance
Thanks @JeevanRaj . This helped.I tried to use 'REFRESH_SELF' instead of refreshing the whole page. But it does not seem to refresh the component.Please help