I was using a task report, not a document report. I tried task:parent:name=Gate 1task:parent:name_Mod=infor a document report, but I wasn't able to get it to work either
Ah, okay, try this parent:name=Gate 1parent:name_Mod=in It's showing correct results for me for all tasks that fall under Gate 1 across different projects.
How are you hoping this filter will work? It looks like you only want projects to show up if they're a child of a parent task called "Custom Parent Task Name". Is this correct? Have you tried Task >> Parent ID Equal in the drop down menu?
@skyehansen this fixed it! I also assumed project owners automatically got manage access to their projects, but you're right, she only had contribute access. Thank you!
One of my users is having issues editing task details for a project she owns. The original owner, ML set up most of the project. Then he made BH the project owner. Both ML and BH have the same access level. BH can edit the task details for tasks she created, but she cannot edit task details for ...
@Doug_Den_Hoed__AtAppStore , just wanted to thank you again for this! My project load has been changing a lot lately, and having my dashboard automatically update based on which projects I have favorited is so helpful!
This might work! I'm mulling it over to see if I can think of any downsides. I'll have to check some of my task reports to make sure nesting tasks wouldn't change any of them, but this might work!