Looking at your bean on your HTL expressions, they don't match...you have .fPath and activeAttrand you have getFpath() and getActiveattr() <p>fpath : ${navlist.fPath}</p> <p>activeAttr: ${navlist.activeAttr}</p>
Here my sample:package adobe.summit.lasvegas.core; import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List; import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo; public class MiniNav extends WCMUsePojo { private List<MiniNavBean> navList = new LinkedList<MiniNavBean>(); MiniNavBean miniNav; public List<Mini...
Just tried your sample with a LinkedList, and works perfectly on my end.Share your sample that doesn't work, to make sure we don't hit basic typos for example.
On the sightly syntax, you can also use the following:<div data-sly-use.mininav="com.components.MiniNav" data-sly-list.navlist="${mininav.navList}">No need for the global.jsp, and you can combine data-sly attributes within an element
Can you compare it with the sample project (result branch). Always make sure that the uber-jar is mentioned as first dependency.Project: https://github.com/heervisscher/l318/blob/result/lasvegas/core/pom.xml