@Sanjana12 The js, html , siling models and dialogs can be handled differently based on the use case you have for your component.
Operations performed by each modules:1. Sling Model: Adapt the pages as SlingHttprequest, thus we can easily retrieve selector parameter.2. Query Builder:Based on the s...
@439823ankit Yes, this seems to be a feasible option to take backups, based on your use case.
Adobe provides AEM snapshot backups which would be sufficient in most cases, but if more is needed, this is one option.
Looks like the cq:template and the resourcetype for the page in which this was configured is overriding the OOTB one and hence the core components are breaking.
WCM core accordion component not working as expected.
AEM v 6.5.13
core components v2.6.0
On using accordion component not getting the UI and functioanlity as expected.
Also tried directly using the core accordion component and gives the same results.
Is this component supported in the above ment...
Below is a code sample:
<!DOCTYPE html>
table, td {
border: 5px solid blue;
<p>Click the button to add a new row to the table and then add cells and content.</p>
<table id="myTable">
<td>Row1 cell1</td>
<td>Row1 cell2<...
@Sanjana12 you can use pagination from the front-end using JS based on the json result from the backend logic.
sample example for ref. http://jsfiddle.net/Lzp0dw83/
Hope this helps.
@user17427320 seems this is addressed here ref.
@VuongNguyen You could probably use a unique id as a query parameter for each user on the url , which will force the url to not cache and hit the server, in case there is some caching involved.