Hi @Peter_Puzanovs ,
I did check the reindexing today morning and still it is same. I mean it didn't fix the issue at all.
I have logged an support ticket for this.
Hi @Himanshu_Jain ,
Thanks for your help but that link has a different requirement with suggest query like any and or condition along with suggest query which is not in my case.
In my case the query works fine in local but don't work in dev/qa environment. It works for few keywords in dev/qa envir...
Hi @Himanshu_Jain ,
Yes i am using a service user and it has all the permission.
The query gives results for some of the keyword so if it has not permission it won't work at all.
Hi @SureshDhulipudi ,
The query gives results for some keywords but for others it gives zero results. Also i checked the permission of user and he has read permission.
Hi All,
I have a query which gives suggestions as a result. This works fine in my local instance but works partially in dev/qa environment.
Eg. If I search "Sol" it gives me many results but if the same code is deployed to dev it doesn't gives any results. All the content and code is same but this q...
@arunpatidar , Please could you share the links again as they are not working. I too have a requirement where i need to add custom columns in list view and populate the data for the field for assets and pages.
Hi @vjleo94
If the asset is still in processing then please go to workflows and then instances tab. Check if your asset is there and select it and check the history and you can see at what step the workflow is stuck.This way you can find where it is failing and further you can debug the root cause....
Hi @akhilraj ,
Please follow this post it might be helpful in your case.