hi @lmohanrk ,User management depends on the vendor giving SSO service.For instance if you are using Azure AD for SSO, the following steps can be followed :https://help.skytap.com/sso-with-azure-active-directory.htmlTo summarise your ask : The enabling/disabling should be done on the user management...
Hi @Manasi29 , You can use the core accordion component for FAQ page , the following link will help :https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/components/accordion.html?lang=enThanks,Milind
@andmiccrew hi,you can also refer article by @Albin_Issac : https://medium.com/tech-learnings/sling-content-distribution-in-aem-part-2-3a66933be45dThanks.
Hi @sursharma ,The OOTB search works on query-builder, so it will search for query you are entering for the given content path.Did you check if it is working for other languages, since arabic language is RTL(Right - to - Left) and might be causing issues. Check for normal LTR languages other than en...
@DEBAL_DAS , I was thinking in the same direction by adding :RewriteRule ^/(.*).html$ /$1 [R=301,NE,L]which strips out the html by default from all accessed URLs, but is it the only way to achieve it ?
I have a scenario where if I access:<domain>/blah-blah (non existing page) redirects me to correct 404 page.BUT, if I access :<domain>/blah-blah.html (non existing page with .html extension) redirects me to generic 404 page. Expectation :Both the scenarios should be redirecting me to custom 404 page...
Hi @aniketp1012 , PATH based servlet have following disadvantages :path-bound servlets cannot be access controlled using the default JCR repository ACLspath-bound servlets can only be registered to a path and not a resource type (i.e. no suffix handling)if a path-bound servlet is not active, e.g. if...
@geverett , the above mentioned solution by @DEBAL_DAS is appropriate and should work, however make sure : The port you are using is free to use (avoid :80 / :8080) for debug since they are generally occupied ports.Thanks.
Hi @rahul234dabas, You can consider it be a string array, comma separated. You can refer the tag selection as well, when we use multiple tags to a resource, it is stored as String[] and this use case is analogous to it.