@Nimma05 Yes, as long as you are able to download the report it should be ok.
The execute report action is not optimized for a large result set and hence leads to the mentioned error more often than not.
@Nimma05 , You should still be able DOWNLOAD the report. Execute report action has a few extra steps that create a performance overhead most of the time.
Can you try that and let us know?
@BrianKasingli We ran into this sometime back and ended up creating a custom rollout config that updates the references inside XFs.
@Jagpreet_Singh_ It would add great value if this can be made available OOTB.
@stiegjo , then please check the request object and the resource object that you are deriving out of the request.
Can you please share the sling model code ?
I am suspecting your problem is similar to this one - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/aem-6-3-get-t...
@stiegjo You can inject the current page object in your sling model.
Something like this should do :
@ScriptVariableprotected Page currentPage;
public string getCurrenPath() {
String currentPagePath = currentPage.getPath();
return currentPagePath;
@NaveenSo Yes, MS teams allows use of webhooks that you can use to setup a Rest integration.
You can check out the below microsoft official documentation on this.