Hi @maheshp
Similar issue is posted here:: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/java-lang-illegalargumentexception-illegal-page-name-error-while/m-p/568046#M141856
I think it is with the version upgrade. @kautuk_sahni can you please guide here on how to proc...
Hi @neeraj_24412
A couple of things to check
Check if the sitemap page is publishedCheck if dispatcher is blocking the request
Hope this helps!
Thanks,Kiran Vedantam.
Hi @Mario248
Please verify this link, I think it covers your use-case: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/developing/components/pageinfo.html?lang=en
Hope this helps!
Thanks,Kiran Vedantam.
Hi @mirkomanga
I haven't had a chance to work on the stress test myself, but the best practices are listed here:
Hi @binary0010
The error clearly says some issues with the permissions. Can you check if this is happening with other paths (like /content) as well to further understand the problem?
Thanks,Kiran Vedantam.
Hi @anasustic
Can you please be more clear on your query? I am not able to understand "This component is not in http://localhost:4506/crx for any detailHelp pages."
Kiran Vedantam.
Hi @chuckt9881
Here are some useful links for your query:
Hi @kevingtan
Can you check if your content path (on which the query is being executed) is big? Generally, this happens if you give a generic path (like /content) where you would be having the huge structure below.
Similar issue: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience...
Hi @akshaybhujbale
Can you please let us know what error you are getting in the error.log? You can also check if you have permission to the node that you are trying to access.
Kiran Vedantam.