I was working around with the iterator to list and traverse over child nodes and I'm getting this anomalous behavior where the iterator lists the nodes in different order each time. I need to iterate over nodes as it's present in the crx/de. Is there a way it could be done, to control the order of l...
I need to set the href value depending on the nullity of sling:vanityPath. The hit.properties.sling:vanityPath returns the string value for sling:vanityPath property. I need to append a '/' before the hit.properties.sling:vanityPath value. Is it possible to do that in the following code or do I have...
AEM icon -> Tools -> Assets shows Metadata Profiles, Image Profiles, Video Profiles, Image Presets, Metadata Schemas, Desktop Tools for AEM, Insights Configuration, Reports and Content Fragment Models. And yeah it's the same with other browsers.
Started the instance using command line with -r option having runmode dynamicmedia(also tried with dynamicmedia_scene7 ). But on accessing localhost:4502/is/image some file is being downloaded. Whats wrong and how to enable dynamic media properly?
Working around with AEM page optimization, got a requirement to convert the DAM asset images to next-gen formats like webp. Is it possible to create a workflow to do the same. The workflow should access the DAM asset images and convert it to required format and rewrite the original file.
I've got this 3 dropdown fields, month, day and year. Upon selection of a specific month the day dropdown field should be populated with exactly the number of days for that particular month. Similiary it should be accountable for leap years as well. How to do that in AEM Forms?