The aggregation i mentioned in the query was about the aggregation of an object , a parent has a child object of item type and my question was how do we create that in the schema if not a 1-1 or a 1-N relationship linking. Thank you
Thank you but was not trying that i was referring to orchestration of campaign API's to be called thru a single API and was able to do it through Azure API
Hi All, Is there a way to expose a single generic API using a bridge between Adobe IO and external system. For example: External System--->Bridge--->AdobeIO--->ACS Thanks,Cl
This page was updated on 24 so i thought it would be useful, anyway you can create a mock service expose it and use that api in your external activity.
Please follow this link and also the version should be 20.2 or 20.3.
Hi all, How to define an aggregation in ACS custom resource. Is it only by linking with N collection cardinality?For example: if a profile has shipping address as an aggregation with address fields . Thanks