This was solved by the following PR: checking out OSGi Components in the Web Console, I've realised there are configurations that this server is depending on that weren't active automatically. By...
Hi, I've implemented research project on using Jackrabbit Oak Lucene, Apache Solr and Elasticsearch in AEM 6.4 on We Retail project. They are all implemented inside the same project so I could measure their results. You can check this project here:
@cqsapientu69896 you can see it here - I've manually created elasticsearch as separate OSGi bundles in Eclipse and reuse them in my project. You can check everything here:
This is the correct answer:{
"selector": "user",
"scope": {
"groupName": "boots-approver",
"declaredOnly": false,
}that "," after the "declaredOnly": false was needed for some reason.
According to this I've put JSON in my datasource to show me users from one group in the selectbox.This way, all works fine:{
"selector": "user",
"scope": {
"groupName": "test-approve...
I added custom dialog to the Dynamic Participant Step inside of the workflow. This dialog is shown to the user later with the option to choose which user from some specific group to choose. This group will be entered as an "argument" to the Dynamic Participant Step of the workflow. Already solved it...
I am trying to use selectdatasource ( ) for generating selectbox with list of users from the specific...
Is there a way to show/hide page properties or tabs based on the user group?It is also necessary to ensure that hiding or disabling of fields does not cause data to be deleted on submission of the dialog.AEM 6.5, SPA + React
Per Adobe's documentation there are some limitations while working with SPA components. One of those is inline image editing.1. Why is this still not available and when it is planned to be enabled with SPA Components?2. Is there a workaround for this? Some custom implementation or examples?AEM 6.5 +...