Hi,Can someone describe how to run mods works?I have 3 configs with different values: - config.author - config.production - config.usa CQ runs with CQ_RUNMODE=author,production,usaWhich one will be in the configuration?Thanks you.
Ok. Thank you.But another question: What is reason for activation of whole subtree? Is anywhere documentation about this aspect?The problem in that we have only a big campaign in our application. And even if a few segments are chosen the whole campaign (with other segments and their subnodes) is act...
I've chosen "Summer Sports" campaign and added its segments "Female under 30" and "Female over 30" on both parent and child pages ("/content/geometrixx/en/products" and "/content/geometrixx/en/products/triangle").And I haven't added third segment "50% Chance" neither on parent page nor on child page...
Hello.I have a question about personalization and replication.Problem is that after activation of personalized page I observe cascading activation of chosen campaign.Steps that I have made:1. Go to some page and choose any component with personalization2. Choose "Target" entry in the configuration m...
Thanks you Geoffroy.I found that the cache invalidate after the modification under "/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs" folder.I can add a modification property on activation and deactivation methods in custom Live Actions, but this solution doesn't look nice.Is it possible to restart a bundle or component in ...
Hi,I am using CQ 5.5. When I remove a bundle with custom Live Action, this Live Action disappear in the Components tab (OSGI console).But RolloutConfigManager still keep this Live Action in a cache.How can I invalidate cache in Rollout Config Manager without restarting cq or disable/enable RolloutCo...