Your X path query is missing double quotes for search key please modify like this and try search type=cq:Page
group.1_group.fulltext="Insurance Broker"
group.2_group.fulltext="Insurance Claim"
If you want to have image or pdf or any other type of asset you can include path of the assets using acs commons reports feature.If you want to download image then you have to write custom implementation to download the asset. I hope this helps. thanks,Aruna
Hi All, I'm implementing dispatcher for the first time and I have a question on statfilefileslevel and statfile.What are best practices to use this configuration in dispatcher. Thanks,Aruna
I think this is another wy of adding client headers through farm file along with Virtual host. I think this also another way of setting client headers through farm file. Below are the allowed client headers. h /clientheaders{"CSRF-Token""X-Forwarded-Proto""referer""user-agent""authorization""from""c...
@ravir73578276,You can delete all job from Crx/de as a admin user. Please go to /var/eventing/jobs folder in and delete stick jobs. hope this helps you!! Regards,Aruna
I'm trying to understand the how many nodes I can traverse through Query builder query and fetch data from the repository without impacting AEM system performance?
Hi Amit, how it is different than normal AEM? Could you please provide more inputs on what exactly you mean aem as a could service and Adobe runs on kubernates?