I would like to use Adobe Campaign Classic to deliver a defined data set to a table / database. A website then accesses the table / database and creates offers for the customer. I would like to use the advantages of delivery to also generate the entries in the nms: broadLogRcp and thus to keep track...
Yes, everything is clear to me too. But what if there are not just 4 filter conditions but 20. Is there a way to display a kind of statistic for the rejected customers, why how many customers were rejected? I don't want to create 10 spilts or look at the target list manually.
In this case, it is easy to see that the recipients are kicked out because of the missing customer number (Kundennummer). However, there is a possibility to display the exclusions using a statistical table. Similar:Missing Last Name: 12Missing First Name: 5Missing Customer Number: 40
Hello, I think I have to clarify the question a little more. If I have age over 60, not female and less than 1.6m as a condition in a split, is there a smart solution to display why a recipient was discarded?
Hello everybody,Is there a smart way to find the reasons why the recipient was kicked out of a split with multiple conditions at Adobe Campaign Classic?
Hi,According to the documentation, it must be possible to write to a linked table from the nms: recipient:https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/campaign-classic/using/configuring-campaign-classic/api/data-oriented-apis.html#example-on-links Here in the example I try to create a recipient and at the...
Hello Manoj Thanks for the idea. I haven't even thought about this solution with the API for the survey tool. However, I would prefer it to be able to pass the recipient on to the Campaign API using JavaScript.