We were unable to use the preview functionality, I think this has to do with us using it inside of email. Our solution was to set up an audience that flipped through the activities (different email images) at 15 minute intervals. This way we were able to send proofs to the client and they would be a...
Do you know if there is a way to send proofs/copies of those previews? We typically deliver proofs/copies of the email to various people for QC and approvals.
I'm trying to incorporate Target into my clients emails and we're creating a campaign in Adobe Campaign Classic that serves up 3 different creatives based on the time. Creative A will be show leading up to the event, Creative B will be shown on the date of the event and Creative C will be shown afte...
Hi,The link for 'Marketing plans, programs, campaigns' currently goes to a dead landing page(404 not found). https://docs.campaign.adobe.com/doc/AC6.1/en/CMP_Marketing_campaigns_Overview.html