Thanks, Shweta, So there's no way to tell how many users are in an onboarded trait in between file posting intervals? Assume I post a file one a once, that's a fairly long time to wait and seems to be a large gap in the product.
Hi,Curious if it's possible to post an inbound file that is keyed off of the MID/ECID/MCID? Assuming AAM has seen this user before and it's for a single company.Thanks!
Hello team,Hoping someone could help me understand why our onboarded trait metrics do not seem to change.Setup overview:An ID sync with CRM ID is occurring when authenticating onsite into a global data source. Traits are set with a target data source. We have multiple inbound files, target data sour...
Wondering if any of you all could help me understand the format of an outbound file:Does anyone know what the “5” and the 13-digit string that follows the Segment SID represent?Thank you!
You'll have to create a new segment, the segment rule would look similar to this:(Visitors of page A trait OR Visitors of page B trait) AND NOT (Buyers of product A trait OR Product B trait)Otherwise you could combine Segment 1 & 2 in the destination itself.