Hi @Sanjay_Bangar, do you have your dispatcher flush agent on publish enabled? According to this docs https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/optimizing-the-dispatcher-cache.html#use-ttls dispatcher flush agent should be disabled on publish.
@Sanjay_Bangarcould you please share more details. I mean what you are expecting to happen, and what is current state. Did you observed any errors/warning in dispatcher/apache logs? How your configuration of dispatcher TTL looks like for sitemap?
Hi @Sanjay_Bangar, you can try to use Dispatcher TTL functionality from ASC commons. You can find more detail under https://adobe-consulting-services.github.io/acs-aem-commons/features/dispatcher-ttl/index.html
@AmanK24you can check index size and number of elements in index under /system/console/status-oak-index-stats, can you share query execution plan - this could be useful for further discussion.
@AmanK24, so could you confirm if custom index solves the issue? If not, did you check query execution plan to verifies if your custom index is used. One last thing, I would assume that you have run re-index after you created custom index?
Hi @AmanK24, it looks that query you have prepared is not covered by any index. Potential fixes areChange the query in the way it will be covered by existing definition.Create or extend existing index to support you query. You can use [1] to generate index definition.Change traversal limit, however ...
@aemninjaI believe it is possible, please have a look on dialog implementation of Workflow Initiator Participant Chooser step /libs/cq/workflow/components/workflow/initiatorparticipantchooser, it is using following ecma script /libs/workflow/scripts/initiator-participant-chooser.ecma. I think base o...