@hensonba need more details to help you better..
What is the image aspect ratio you uploaded, what are those default crop ratios configured, how are you performing crops? Are you using Dynanic Media?
Is it AEM on-prem or AMS or AEM cloud?
@ShaylaBl can you give us more details.. like AEM version, what is the component name in this context, is it OOTB core components or custom?
As @martin_ecx_io said it depends on how html is generated finally..
@mkallis1 which version of AEM you use?
AEM has a feature named XMP writeback which extracts few basic and important metadata from asset when uploaded to asset metadata..
But it is disabled by default.. you have to enable it into your DAM Update Asset Workflow
@arvindpandey it's pretty common to have dispatcher flush agents in both Author and Publishers..
Dispatcher agents in author will be configured with Ignore Default flag ON which means it will not act on regular publish activities.. it acts as a special agent triggered only when ACS commons Flush U...
@mireneS1 yes you should be able to do it please refer to very detailed article on the same
@mireneS1 yes all file formats supported in AMS are supported in AEM cloud.
AEM 6.5 https://github.com/AdobeDocs/experience-manager-65.en/blob/main/help/assets/assets-formats.md
AEM cloud: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/assets/file-format-supp...
@ashish_kamalaksha as said by @konstantyn_diachenko we might need more details..
But few things to look for
More than one rewrite rule matching , for this use L apache flag which marks the rule as last rewrite and doesn't execute subsequent rules
Check if your publish farms are multiple and all ...