Hello,our servers are prepared for transaction testing. Now the IT department said we need to switch the cookie from Adobe Analytics/ Adobe Tag Manager to Secure. It's about the following: Set cookie: CookieName=value; path=/; HttpOnly; secureQuelle:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_cookiehttps:/...
Привет Андрей, Спасибо за ответ, уществуют и другие имена? Есть ли таблица где эти имена, которые только Адоб знает, прописаны? И вообще, почему кто-то написал в коде className (это ведь не кто не знает) а не просто class?
Hello, everyone, in the Adobe Tag Manager a class is addressed.The name className is used. The word className : is it an Adobe name? And are there many different names? Which one?
Hi,. Thank you so much for the answers, that takes me further.My Code Number/b/ss/delagb2cglobal/1/JS-2.10.0-D7QN/s0471539582057even though I don't know why all these version numbers exist.To the eventsI already use Evernts. Please see bottom.But I always use them in the Adobe Tag Manager.Which I've...
Hi, maybe someone can answer these questions for me. My question goes to the version number? This page talks about the version number. https://helpx.adobe.com/analytics/kb/comparing-event-types.htmlH23.2 or higher. where can I find the number? Question2 on the same page is referred to as this assign...
Hall all together,I solved the problem.My DataLayer was only on a subpage.My script queried the data on every page, and of course didn't find the DataLayer on all pages.That's why it always produced errors.My new codeRules -> Data Elements -> comparisonBrandrisonBrandArrayvar resultcomparisonBrand =...