Hi,I am unable to include the MirrorPageURL within my link. I am doing this for social sharing buttons. Please could you tell me how to do this?See below example:<a href="http://twitter.com/share?text=Here's+my+Trainline+2018+year+in+review+-+%23TrackMyTracks%0D%0D&url=<%@ include view='MirrorPageUr...
Amazing, thank you for the answer and quick response!That works now using the workflow PK, thought it was odd the error wanted an integer.This must be a mistake in the documentation!
Hi,I am having an issues getting the below JavaScript to run. It continuously fails. Please could you assist?JavaScript CodeWithin the JavaScript code activity is the below script:xtk.workflow.RestartTask("WKF36072", "fork");Adobe Documentationhttps://docs.campaign.adobe.com/doc/AC/en/jsapi/sm-workf...
Thanks Vipul, that's very helpful.Are you able to help with the below script please? My issue is the 'Average' (integer) instance variable is giving the same value for all rows. Rather than working out the average and giving that value to each recipient.The calculations are correct, but it only outp...
Hi,Using an enrichment, I'm creating a custom instance variable in a workflow. As shown below.However, the issue is that this field defaults to a string. I need it as a number. How can I change the data type to be a number?Thanks,Rob
Hi,I'm attempting to display the result of the 'seasons' alias in a delivery using targetData. However the delivery fails due to 'targetData not defined'.Please can you tell me how it's possible to do this?The workflow appears as below:The JavaScript logs the count correctly:I there a specific way t...