Hi Michael,That first exception looks like a JRun issue and perhaps theJSPServlet definition in the "Employee Flex Data Services" webapp's web.xml file is incorrect.I don't know anything about FlexDAO but that second stacktrace looks like their DAO is expecting certain datasources to bedefined in yo...
Hi Michael,For your last question, I think you probably need torecompile your swf to pick up the changes you made to the config.For the ClassCastException, could you provide more of thatstack trace?Best,Seth
Hi Michael,This is the important piece of info in your server startupstack trace:Exception in thread "RTMP-Server"flex.messaging.endpoints.rtmp.RTMPException: The RTMP server has encountered a fatal exception starting up:Address already inuse: bindRTMP Endpoints start up an internal socket server th...
Hi Michael,The config info that is injected into the swf and accessiblevia ServerConfig.xml is a subset of the total configuration on theserver. The client doesn't need to know the assembler source classor scope for the destination so those elements are not injectedinto the swf.services.config.xml i...
Hi Pete,That error indicates that your client app is not able toestablish a connection to the server. I'd recommend using<mx:TraceTarget/> to enable client side debug output toflashlog.txt and take a look there to see which channel is failingto connect and what the underlying root cause is.Common re...
The fill() method is an asynchronous call for data across thenetwork so there's bound to be some amount of latency. When youinvoke fill() it returns an AsyncToken that you can add a responderto. A responder defines result and fault callbacks, and the resultcallback of your responder will be triggere...
Hi RafeFlex,I think the problem is that your webservice is not returningan Array or a collection (i.e. ArrayCollection). A SOAP responseof:<Credenciales><Credencial><idcredencial>934847</idcredencial><chrUsername>jlrueda@todito.com</chrUsername><Credencial></Credenciales>would be deserialized into a...
Hi Thamis,Take a look at the flash.net.FileReference class here: http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/2/langref/index.htmlThis is the built in Flash support for file upload. You'dhandle the upload with a servlet/jsp/etc. server-side component tosave it to disk or as binary data in a database.Best,Set...
Hi Stefan,Based on this stacktrace it looks like your data servicedestination is configured to use a "my-amf" channel and thatchannel is probably not configured for polling. For a data servicedestination the channels that you configure it to use should berealtime push (RTMP) or polling-based (AMF or...
Hi Mark,Can you provide a bit more detail on what the specificproblem was. I'd like to try to repro it and at the least see if wecould improve the error message for this case.Thanks,Seth