Hi @user96222 Please use StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4 in the Sling Model to Sanitize the output in the java and then refer to the shared JS to sanitize the data in the JS as well. In this way, the data will not have XSS vulnerability issues.
Hi @user96222 Can you try using ${ obj.method @ context= 'html'} ? is it showing the output or trimming it? if you are using npm to build your ui.frontend then we can use the `DOMPurify` dependency to sanitize the script content before parsing it. This helps remove any potentially malicious scripts...
Hi @RahulSi13 every time a new deployment happens the unique hash with the clientlibs gets changedetc.clientlibs/myproject/clientlibs/clientlib-site.lc-<unique_hash>-lc.min.js So whenever new HTML is being rendered, it will have the new hash of the clientlibs and the browser won't be calling the ol...
Hi @RahulSi13 Ideally, it shouldn't happen because when your HTML is refreshed with a new clientlib hash, it will request for the new clientlibs only and not the previous one.The browser will not load the old clientlibs if the hash value changes. can you check and compare the complete clientlibs pa...
Hi @Sai_Krishna_1404 You can overlay the class and use Lombok delegate feature to do that to ensure any update in future doesn't impact the functionality.refer to this: http://experience-aem.blogspot.com/2023/04/aem-cloud-service-delegate-annotation-extend-core-component-sling-models.html
can you please try the following type=cq:Pagepath=/content/demofulltext=*herbs* Also can you please create a custom index(use https://oakutils.appspot.com/generate/index) for it and try it?
Hi @cgseymour917 , Both are the implementations of the Java Platform only, mostly its related to different licensing authorities but the core functionality remains the same.So ideally, all the scripts should work fine.
Hi @vhochsteinTef , You can try 2 ways: write component specific JS and create individual client libraries and include them within components.create a page property field to select custom client library and in the customheadlibs.html, call that clientlibs from the page property
Hi, Most of the error in the screenshots seems to be HTML issues only that is for the nav that is coming at the wrong position. Can you please validate the HTML structure of the components used on the page?Regarding _devPagesManifest.json it is showing 404 as its Next.js file which is created on run...