christiank86512120 Can you please match the value for the SDID value(in Analytics call) and mboxMCSDID(in Target call). Please check if the value of these are same.Regards,Karan
@michaelt24493243 Have you created a feed and is the data already ingested in Recommendations?You can create a criteria on the 'Current Category', the recommendation is determined by the product category that the visitor is currently viewing.Recommendations display items in the specified product cat...
Vikaz Can you please check for the Exclusion List, there could be a possibility that the products are not getting recommended because they are added in the Exclusion list.Regards,Karan
kathryns6136032 Can you please confirm if you are using reporting as 'Analytics for Target'? There could be scenario where same visitor sometimes counted in multiple experiences in Analytics.Reference Document: View reports - A4T FAQ Regards,Karan
niksonawane You may look in the activity and check the criteria status. If the criteria is ready to display the recommedations, you would be shown a green dot saying "Results Ready".You may also Download the CSV from the Recs activity to check if there are products meeting the critera.Regards,Karan
rajarajanr71853199 Can you please confirm if the activity is associated with any Workspace, Or are you creating it on the Default Workspace?If you are using a custom code, you may check for any syntax errors in the custom code.Regards,Karan
rams40798621Can you please confirm the version of at.js you are using?Also, can you confim if Target(mbox) cookies are getting successfullt stored on your site?Regards,Karan
muthu sivasankas87343782As suggested by Mihnea, you can check if there are products meeting the criteria by downloading the CSV from the activity. If the CSV file is not blank, you could check the Exclusion rules to confirm that the recommended products are not getting filtered.You could also run an...
Hi Jerrods, can you please confirm the type of activity being used here. Is it an XT activity?Ideally, once a user has entered into an experience they would keep seeing it until they have cleared their cookies/cache. Clearing cookies should ideally make a visitor re-qualify for the activity experien...
BrendanJaffary There is in built feature to export the data within recommendations catalog? Although, you can try using the GetEntitiy API Thanks,Karan