Hi @Prashanth_02a,
Suffix usually used to provide additional information to your servlet/JSP page. Just check editor interface in TouchUI: the url looks like
So you always stays on the same page /editor.html, but suffix notifies Edit Interfa...
Please verify the steps here: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/acs-commons-5-1-0-deleting-after-code-push-not-a-cloud-service/m-p/458408/highlight/true#M132071Check this similar issue here https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-...
Hi @Mario248,
AEM as a Cloud Service provides access to a custom New Relic One monitoring suite as a part of the standard product offering to ensure your teams have the maximum visibility to your AEM as a Cloud Service system and environment performance metrics.
Please refer [0] for more details.
Hi @arvind,
I believe it's working on author seems you have logged in as a admin user, have you tried by logging in as admin on publisher? I suspect, it doesn't have proper read/write access to anonymous user.
Hi @manuel_óscars89,
I believe the implementation is not correct.
The proper way to extend Core Components model is to use delegation pattern. Here is the similar question answered, kindly have a look [0].
[0]: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/com-adobe-cq-wc...
You can directly use the request object (Java-backed Objects) provided by Sightly.
In details:
For complete URL:
For current page path:
${currentPage.path} // returns only the path without domain name
For specific parts o...
@kritikagoyal ,
Deleting full .m2/repository local repository should solve your problem.
Or else you need to know what plugins are you using exactly with their dependencies as one of the plugin suffered a problem while downloading.
Hi @dylanmccurry ,
Try the below code snippet might help. Here I am getting Resource and ResourceResolver from request.
PageManager pageManager = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(PageManager.class);
Page currentPage = pageManager.getContainingPage(request.getResource());
String pagePath = curre...
Hi @skumar25,
You can Run Offline Revision Cleanup to compact your AEM instance which is responsible to clear old checkpoints before the maintenance takes place.
Adobe provides a tool called Oak-run for performing revision cleanup. It can be downloaded at the following location: