Hi Scott,Still find these docs confusing to be honest… So think you're talking about under the heading "Content repository migration and upgrade" where step #1 says "First, stop the instance if it is running."?These seems to be explicitly steps for upgrading though, rather than just content migraton...
kautuksahni, you've marked this answer as 'resolved', so could you clarify if the use of crx2oak against a running instance is a supported use of the tool, or if it can only be run against offline instances?
Yeah, that's the trouble alright We could keep them closer than weeks apart by pulling content back from Production (e.g. by using nightly disk-level back-ups of Prod to do a restore over Pre-Prod), but agree that the trouble is getting over the last hurdle alright! Thanks!Dave
Thanks Jörg,what I meant by Blue-Green in this case was to have a 'Blue' and a 'Green' author instance, one which is the live Production instance, and one acting as Pre-Prod. For example:Deploy new release to non-live servers (green), both author and publish.Enforce a content freeze on live author (...
Thanks, though from the slides & description (haven't had a chance to check video yet), it seems to be related to upgrades, rather than deployments, is that right? — Is deployment a supported use-case for crx2oak, or is it only for upgrades?
I've seen some threads discussing the use of crx2oak for Blue–Green deployment, which sounds quite interesting, as one of the challenges of applying this deployment pattern with AEM is the question of how to handle syncing repositories easily.That said, other people recommend only running the repo m...