We also need to update our website. The technical details were not known in March of this year when we wrote that. They have been available for some time now, so this issue is on us, Search Discovery, and me, personally...
Thank you for raising this issue. I investigated and made the code change today. There should be an update (of the Launch and DTM switch) coming your way in the next few days. I just need to run the change through our internal code review and testing process.
My guess is that if Adobe moved from hit metering to GB metering, customers would start making implementation changes to optimize for smaller beacons. We'd see a big move toward classification usage and a resurgence in all the old tricks that were once used when browser limitations dictated that be...
After a bit more thought, I think that visit based metering would be the best bet. Since it's a server-based metric, it can't be gamed and since it already exists, contract conversion could be automated.
Jan,I am in agreement on this one. I actually had an extension in Launch Integration for a while that did just this. Some considerations that kept me from proceeding is that IF you have a bona fide Launch event triggered at doPlugins time:1) How do you prevent the recursion that would occur if some...
As we move toward the ability to automate the build-out of an implementation via the launch API, it would be great to be able to automate the classification rules that support that implementation.
I understand that there was once a time when the cost to supply and maintain Adobe Analytics was based directly on the number (and size) of server calls being processed and stored. I would guess that this is no longer one of the main operating costs in providing and supporting Adobe Analytics clien...