Hi Scott,Thanks for your response. I tried that but I am not sure what to give in Xpath.I am using asset.getAssetMetadata().getProperty(XMPPath path, <T>class). Could you please explain how we can get the Xpath of a particular metadata property?
Hi ,I am also not able to store dialog value in workitem metadata. Can u pls share what code you have changed in render.jsp to store dialog value in workflow workitem.
Hi,I have a requirement to show a coral dialog when author clicks on Start Workflow after selecting the model. That Coral Dialog will contain button of Ok and Cancel. If author clicks Ok then workflow will start else workflow will not start. Can anyone please help on this or provide some links to re...
Hi,Thanks for your reply but links seems to be implementation for the authoring dialog of components. But it is not working for the "Complete Work Item dialog" custom fields in workflow
Hi,I have a custom Date field in workflow dialog box which needs to be shown and hidden based on the next step field selection. Can anyone please guide how we can add listener. I tried same as authoring dialog listeners but it didn't worked. I am using AEM 6.3
Hi Scott,Thanks For your reply. Yes you are right 2nd step is a custom process step which retrieves the value saved in payload JCR and saves it in workflow instance metadata. I was referring this link Scheduled activation with workflows – Adobe AEM Club for developing my workflow. In OOTB schedule ...
Hi,I am creating a custom workflow which has the following steps in AEM 6.3 :-1.Dialog participant Step --> This helps user to choose the Activation Date.2. Process Step --> It saves the date selected in above step as "absoluteTime" in metadata of the workflow instance.3. Participant Step --> Here I...
Can't It be done through workflow process step? I found this step somewhat easier Scheduled activation with workflows – Adobe AEM Club but not sure how we will read the value of dialog in process step. Can you please give me some code reference?
In dialog participant Step I am assigning a participant as well as having a dialog of date picker. Participant assigned in this dialog step need to choose a date which will schedule the activation of the date provided by the participant. Attaching the workflow model. In the second dynamic participa...