hi Aemd,could you please share your learning as we are having a different interactive team and they don't want to change their framework for aem gridRegardsRaja
Try the jmx console for workflow maintenance, it gives you option to purge workflowshttp://localhost:4502/system/console/jmx/com.adobe.granite.workflow%3Atype%3DMaintenance
@robert,My bad, I confused between activate and deactivate.. if you activate a child page without activating the parent page.. you will see this kind of scenario.
Deactivation doesn't deactivate the sub folders, so this should be expected, as you need the parent node for the sub pages.. if you deactivate the child nodes and try. i believe this shouldn't happen
Hi,The SDI is configured fine that is why you are able to see the SSI tags. your webserver is not configured to process the server side includes.Referhttps://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/ssi.html