It seems like a particular case; you need to troubleshoot to resolve the issue.Did you create a separate sling model to read the values of nested multifield from JCR? If yes, I would check whether the sling model has the ComponentExporter adapter and Exporter annotation for exporting the values via ...
Hi @pradeepdubey82
How are the values persisting for nested multifield in JCR? If you're persisting the property values in node hierarchy (child nodes for nested multifield values), then you've to read them in the Component Sling Model using the Child Resource From Request Injector.
@wrhdam1013 I agree it confuses authors or other AEM users unfamiliar with AEM Inbox or download functionality. It would make sense to change the word inbox to AEM Inbox with a hyperlink to the inbox URL, so they can click on the link to go to the inbox.
I suspect it is an issue with one of the project bundles or its dependency bundle in OSGi that is not starting up. Please check the status of bundles in OSGi and logs during and after deployment.
Oh yes, that's a good point. Order might be causing the problem. You can try the following :
<filter root="/content/mysite" mode="merge">
<exclude pattern="/content/mysite/pattern-library"/>
<filter root="/content/mysite/pattern-library" mode="replace"/>
I think for this case you can simply use the page.listChildren() instead of running a query to get child pages, which will give you the order you wanted.
Is there a reason why you've to run a query to get the child pages as in the order of JCR?
@skumari1 It must be an issue with the WCM Core Components bundle - com.adobe.cq.core.wcm.components.core. Please check the bundle's state and try to activate it if it is not active. If it's not turning to an active state due to the dependency issues, you will see error messages in the log for reaso...
When the orderby predicate is not specified in the query, the order of results returned is random, and the order in the JCR is not followed. When you specify the orderby predicate without the sort order, the default ordering is ascending - asc.
@akshaybhujbale It will help if you create a new index to match the query or optimize the current query to use existing indexes. Increasing the limits may impact the system's performance negatively.
You can use the Explain Query tool to understand the query performance and Oak Index Definition Gen...