Hi Devinder,It was nice having online meeting and telephonic discussion with you.It was solution oriented and I ended up learning new things too apart from solving the current issue. Thank you very much. thanks,Gajendra
Thanks Devinder for sharing this info.What I have done is -eVar5 is used for tracking User name and event5 as the event for the same.I have renamed this event as "Login" and enabled as type counter in the report suite settings.Now I can select this counter as a metric, named "Login" from the standar...
Hi Devinder,I am new to Adobe Analytics.Can you please provide me a little detail about how to achieve correlation.My requirement is tracking [User Name] and its [Count] for no. of log-ins.Thanks. Regards,Gajendra Pal
thanks for reply..I already had configured the same in DTM.Used eVar5 for storing User Name, prop5 as traffic var and event5 as success event.I am also getting user report when selecting conversion variable eVar5 on the omniture site.The only concern is it is showing visits and instance which are no...
Hi,I am tracking user name while logging in to the site.I am using an eVar to store it once logged in and I have selected to remember its value for Visitor level in Dynamic Tag Management.Now I am confused when seeing report what to consider as "no of logins" - Instance or Visits.Both seem to show i...
Hi,I have a report requirement of showing multiple columns in a single report.the report should be like User Name | Device Name | Browser | Instances/views | Average Time spentthese are column names to be displayed on a omniture report. I am using Dynamic Tag Management for d...
Hi,I have created some calculated metrics of numeric type.It shows correct value when selected for the report but in place of Total it is showing n/a.Please suggest, how to get the total for the same. thanks,Gajendra
Hi,I am using Adobe Analytics - DTM for my site. The site is based on single page architecture.The page loads only once and all the other pages load through ajax in the page container.I am using Direct call rule for the page view tracking.I want to configure following reports please let me know the ...