After upgrade from CQ5 to AEM 5.6.1 our authoring environment stopped authorizing users with usernames provided with incorrect case, i.e. if we have a user record with ID Firstname.Lastname system will refuse logging user in as firstname.lastname . We are using Active Directory integration and it wo...
It doesn't work in AEM 5.6.1 and has been fixed for AEM 6 - we have an open ticket with Adobe on this matter. If you are working with AEM version < 6 you might want to file a request at daycare and it might speed up response :-)
In a large organization we have multiple divisions and publishing workflow is pretty decentralized.Is there any way how I can programmatically get a list of Users/Groups which have certain explicit (not inherited) permissions set for the given content path?Example:There is a "global editors" group w...
Ok, probably i wasn't explicit in my answer so here are some details:I overlay /lib/foundation/components/list component in /apps/foundation/components/list which is mainly a container with sling:resourceSuperType set to /libs/foundation/components/list and two custom views addedI have also another ...
I'm trying to port custom component to OOTB List component in AEM 5.6.1. Custom component keeps its settings in the node properties which names are different from what is expecting.For example: custom component has tag filter implemented and its values stored in the pr...
You can do it via CRXDE Lite: right-click on the node, which you would like to remove rep:policy from, and choose Mixins... [img]mixins.png[/img]remove rep:AccessControllable mixin from the popup window[img]mixins-remove.png[/img]