Hey everyone, i was going the adobe universal editor documentation and component below configuration:{"groups":[{"title":"General Components","id":"general","components":[{"title":"Text","id":"text","model": "text","filter": "texts","plugins":{"aem":{"page":{"resourceType":"wknd/components/text","te...
I’m trying to implement tags in Adobe Edge Delivery Services (EDS) with the Universal Editor and I’m running into some challenges.Questions:How does EDS handle metadata like tags within the Universal Editor?Is there a recommended way to store and retrieve tags dynamically?Are there any best practice...
Hey @AmitVishwakarma , thanks for your help!I tried, but it's still not working. If it's okay, could you share a dummy JSON structure for adding a content fragment in EDS with the Universal Editor?
I am trying to implement a Content Fragment in Edge Delivery Services (EDS) using the Universal Editor. I have created a Content Fragment with the following definition and model JSON: {
"definitions": [
"title": "Content Fragments",
"id": "aem-content-fragment",
"plugins": ...