Any System Administrators events happening in India in the next few months or so?I See lot of events happening in US states, but not in India(In-person/Virtual). Please conduct one in India as well.
Try this way:linkedname=projectnamekey=Project Issue Field_Namenamekeyargkey.0=projectnamekeyargkey.1=convertedOpTasknamekeyargkey.2=Field_Namequerysort=project:convertedOpTask:Field_Namevaluefield=project:convertedOpTask:filed_namevalueformat=HTMLtextmode=true If this doesnt work, Can you share the...
How do we see/filter the fields which are not used in any of the forms or reports? So that I would be able to cleanup them as part of system maintenance activity.Could someone let me know if there is a way or text mode filter that i can apply to achieve this result?
Hi @OmahaOmaha The syntax for the CONCAT expression should be CONCAT({DE:Comp:name},",",{DE:Lab:name},",",{DE:VFX 2:name},",",{DE:VFX:name},",",{DE:Post:name}) Hope this helps!Please try this out and let us know if this is working.
Hi @ThomasNe2 Below is the accepted solution by me for a different question like this.You can adjust your field name in the place of 'Primary Contact' as required.text mode to pull issue field into a task report: displayname=Primary Contactlinkedname=convertedOpTasknamekey=Submission Primary Contac...
Seems like there is no way to pull the exceptions from a schedule/list of schedules. If you have on few schedules(like 4 or 5) you can add those schedule URLs on the Dashboard using 'Add External page' option with required height and layout adjustments, so that you will be able to see and show all t...