Hi All,I have questions1. Difference between scheduler and email scheduling.2. Email Scheduling contains a. No scheduling b. schedule delivery(no automatic execution) c. Schedule delivery(automatic execution when the scheduled date is reached) Please explain these sections with examples.
1. Make 7 email delivery .2.After finalizing the recipients, Use split activity and add filters like month=1,month=2,month=3,month=4,month=5,month=6 and month=7.3.Set the outbounds to corresponding email delivery.
Hi @DishaSharma ,1. Use query1 to get customer details like customer id(primary key),name,age.2. Use query2 to get customer id and sum of transactions from transaction table.(check "disable automatic adding of primary keys of the targeting dimension")3.Then do enrichment and combine both query with...
'slipn_'+@SLIP_NUMBER It automatically converts to string datatype. If you still want conversion of integer to string you use ToString(@SLIP_NUMBER). It will converts integer to string. 'slipn_'+ToString(@SLIP_NUMBER)