This explains how to solve your issue: https://myaemlearnings.blogspot.com/2021/08/embedding-third-party-dependencyosgi.html
Keep in mind that you should remove the <scope>provided</scope> tag once you embed the dependency as part of your bundle.
Hope this helps
You are getting a 503 error because the service is taking too long to respond. This issue is likely due to the service’s poor performance. I guess that your query works fine locally because you may have less content compared to the environment where you are testing. Ideally, you should avoid us...
Hi, You need to find where these headers are being set, this could be found in the dispatcher or CDN most frequently, once you find that configuration, you need to decrease the value to the one you need.
Hope this helps
Hi, You need to use granite:renderconditions., please see my response with a working example here: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/how-to-manage-different-asset-type-for-different-metadata-in-aem/m-p/672839
You can learn more about granite:rendercondition...
Hi, are you using the Adobe public profile?
mvn -PautoInstallPackage -Padobe-public clean install
Check this thread for more info as well: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/maven-build-error-could-not-transfer-artifact-com-day-jcr-vault/m-p/374699
@SRC_AEM_DEV It looks like you have updated the original question, which suggests that your initial query about the JS library has been resolved and you now understand how to use it. If your original question has indeed been resolved, please close this thread and open a new one for the current depen...
@SRC_AEM_DEV, is this a different issue you're facing now? It doesn’t seem like you originally asked about this. I would suggest tackling one issue per thread. If your original question has been resolved, please close this thread and open a new one for the current issue. This approach keeps the disc...