@harshak11490245 suggest to create a custom servlet that provide JSON response and called via fusion HTTP module refer below page for servlet example code https://medium.com/exadel-digital-marketing-technology-practice/aem-experience-fragments-consuming-outside-aem-81cb5b6bdc65
@aemuser001 May be it is due to references for external PDF "including an static PDF located in a different server." , revisit implementation and try to include Static PDF from same server - as seems to be 500 error when you are trying to access PDF from another server.
@Abhishekty it seems requirement to video panel/icon similar to image with RTE , i would suggest to considering using Brightcove Video JS library code and integrated with custom RTM component.
@MaheshKPati suggest to avoid render HTML dom content via slightly / pojo, rather create a standard HTML 5 as per your requirement and pass slightly/Pojo data to corresponding dom element
@AdamBa17 would like to know the use case why you want to disable 1st party cookie ? How you are planning to use target then if cookies are disabled.you can think of custom solution to delete cookie using Java script if not able to disable thorough at.js - , cookies stored to companydomain are 1st ...
@NageshRaja using dispatcher / CDN as proxy again indirectly depended on the AEM with limitations , keeping with AEM give more control to drive an business logic on top of the API response and hiding credential. Keeping external microservices is also an option but will bring in additional cost from...
@vs1985 @kautuk_sahni not clear on the ask here, but so far understanding is you are looking to pass one use at a time then- aggregationType MAY Be "STRICT" [not sure] and maxUsersPerRequest should be 1 as Best effort would process data up to the limits that is 10 in example code above
yes i agree about current API limitation however my point was most of key features / access can be done using API and have custom solution including historical logs , events etc.
Your use case is for Monitoring or specific to event audit which is nothing but a requirement to see who did what, when...
@Brad_morris Cloud Manager API that allows you to retrieve information on pipeline executions, environments, branches, domains, IP whitelisting, execution and others can be used for tracking, what specific you want to capture here